Welcome Message
The information provided on this website can answer many of your payroll, questions. Please thoroughly review the information. If you need to contact the payroll office, please do so by email to payroll@roselleschools.org.
The Payroll Office is responsible for processing Salary, Hourly and Daily Pay, and Supplement Wages for all employees, as approved by the Board of Education. Checks are issued twice 15th & 30th each month as detailed on the official Payroll Schedule.
All timesheets for extra duties are due in the Payroll Office as per Payroll Schedule. Each timesheet MUST include: 1) total hours worked 2) employee signature 3) administrative approval 4) account number to be charged 5) agenda item/date granting approval. Incomplete timesheets will be returned for additional information. Only original timesheets will be accepted. Please do not fax/email timesheets. All timesheets must be submitted for the timeframe Payroll is being processed-please see Payroll Schedule to determine these dates.
Roselle Public Schools is a 100% Direct Deposit. Please be aware that the only time a (paper) check might be issued is when/if an employee changes bank account; then due to payroll processing procedures, it could take up to two payroll cycles for the new banking account to be implemented, in the interim a paper check will be issued.
The Payroll & Benefits Office is a Confidential Office and thus any requests for information relating to any employee will be conducted with ONLY that employee unless stated in writing or legally required.
FSA (Health) Open Enrollment Form
DCSA (Dependent Care) Information/Form
This is an annual election that you must enroll in annually.
A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is an IRS approved benefit that allows you to set aside money on a TAX FREE basis to pay for unreimbursed healthcare or dependent care expenses. There are two types of FSAs.
Healthcare FSA allows you to use pre-tax dollars for out-of-pocket medical, dental and vision expenses. You can use your Health FSA dollars to pay for qualified medical, prescription drug, dental and vision expenses. For 2018, the minimum annual contribution is $100 and the maximum contribution is $2,650.
Dependent Care FSA (DCAP) allows you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for child, adult or disabled dependent day care services so you can work. For 2018, the minimum annual contribution is $100 and the maximum contribution is $5,000.
You can enroll in both FSAs, but you cannot use funds in one to pay for expenses in the other. Pre-tax contributions are deducted from your pay in equal amounts throughout the year.
2019 UPDATE: IRS Health FSA and Transportation/Parking Changes
The IRS has officially released notification that a change has occurred regarding health flexible spending accounts and transportation/parking limits. This may impact your 2019 plan year, so please contact BAI if you have any additional questions or concerns. At this time, Dependent Day Care FSA has remained at $5,000 for 2019. Please see attached for details.
Reminder for 2019 Renewal
BAI must hear from you in order to continue your plan(s). If you will not be renewing your plan(s) with us for the 2019 plan year, please advise in writing so that we can update our records. BAI along with the Payroll Manager at RBOE are here to help assist you with any changes that may apply to RBOE's specific needs.
All contractual employees of the district must be enrolled in the New Jersey State Pension system – certified staff are members of the Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund (TPAF), and non-certified staff are members of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). Members of both funds contribute 7.5% of their salaries for these benefits. Under certain circumstances, long term per-diem substitutes may be enrolled in the Public Employees Retirement System.
Employees otherwise eligible to enroll in the PERS or TPAF after May 21, 2010, who do not work the minimum number of hours per week required for PERS or TPAF Tier 4 or Tier 5 enrollment (32 hours per week for local government or local education employees) but who earn salary of at least $5,000 annually will be enrolled in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program (DCRP). The Defined Contribution Retirement Program Board oversees the DCRP, which is administered for the NJDPB by Empower (formerly Prudential).
Membership handbooks for these retirement systems are posted below. Employees are encouraged to review the contents to become familiar with these valuable retirement benefits. Enrollment in the Member Benefits Online System (MBOS) is highly recommended.
Natasha Jones
Payroll Coordinator
908.298.2040 x2038
908.298.1852 Fax
As an employee if you have any concerns regarding your 403B account or wish to take a loan please reach out to Plan Connect. Here are the forms you may need:
NEW FOR 2022
- The following changes are effective January 1, 2022
- SUI taxes increased to $169.15 for 2022.
- FLI taxes increased to $212.66 for 2022.
- The maximum salary for Social Security/FICA taxes increased to $147,000 (from $142,800 in 2021).
The maximum contribution for the 403(b) and 457(b) increased to $20,500 (from $19,500 in 2021). For those over 50, you are permitted an additional $6,500 contribution to each fund.
As an employee if you have any concerns regarding your 403B account or wish to take a loan please reach out to Plan Connect. Here are the forms you may need: