- Dr. Nathan L. Fisher
Superintendent of Schools - Dr. Lissette Gonzalez-Perez
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction - Bernice Marshall-Simmons
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Benefits - Irene Gray
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary - John Teabout
Assistant School Business Administrator
- Dr. Henry A. Dixon, Director of Operational Technology
- Stephen Miller, Director of Guidance & Counseling
- Patrice Coleman, Director of Special Services
- Lauren Gonzalez, Kindergarten Success Academy
- Dr. Melissa Nevarez, Harrison Elementary School
- Melissa Allison, Dr. Charles C. Polk Elementary School
- Victoria Lih, Washington Elementary School
- Tomeeko Hunt, Leonard V. Moore Middle School
- Dana Ockimey, Grace Wilday Junior High School
- Andreea Harry, Abraham Clark High School
- Dennis Hall, Leonard V. Moore Middle School
- Andrea Jackson-Roberts, Leonard V. Moore Middle School
- Luz Espaillat, Grace Wilday Junior High School
- Wendy Danzy, Grace Wilday Junior High School
- Allen Ashby, Abraham Clark High School
- Andrey Green, Abraham Clark High School
- Nancy Ravaioli, Abraham Clark High School
- William Jones, Supervisor of Title I/BSIP/NCLB
- P. Nicole Satchell, Supervisor of STEM
- Andrew Ziobro, Supervisor of STEM
- Dr. John Doherty, Supervisor of Humanities/ELA
- Karen Tanner Oliphant, Supervisor of Testing
- Daryl Wainer, Supervisor of ESL/Bilingual Education/World Language
- Amanda Nagy, Supervisor of Visual & Performing Arts
- Evenide Fanfan-Vilcean, Supervisor of Instructional Technology/CTE/SIS
- Dr. Edwin Griffin, Supervisor of Physical Education, Health & Athletics
- Dr. Allen Potts, Director, 21st Century Program
- Derrick Reese, District Manager of Facilities
- Jamarle Worilds, District Manager of Security
- Maryellen Moffitt, District Coordinator of Gifted & Talented
- Shatika Nathaniel, District Attendance Officer
- Stanley Cunningham, District Wellness Officer