HIB Reporting Hotline
If you feel that the student is in immediate danger, please dial 911.
This URL HIBster is specific to the Roselle School District. This URL HIBster provides access the district's public reporting form, from which users can submit incidents to HIBster. No password or credentials are required to complete the form; parents or concerned individuals can submit an incident anonymously.
To report an alleged HIB violation please provide the following:
- Your name and contact information
- Name and grade of the alleged target.
- Name of the person or persons responsible for the alleged HIB violation.
- Description of the alleged incident, and any other information you feel would be helpful.
This information may also be given anonymously. If you feel uncomfortable reporting an incident to the school principal, you may also report an incident anonymously.
If you are the victim of an unsafe situation in school – harassment, intimidation, bullying, weapons violations, dating abuse– or know someone who is experiencing those abuses, you can anonymously pass on that information through this hotline. Letting an adult know is a first step in addressing an unsafe situation. You can report information either by phone or online.
*If after reporting the alleged incident to the Hotline you still would like to speak with someone, please refer to the contact information listed below:
Abraham Clark High School
Principal: Andreea Harry x2004
Email address: aharry@roselleschools.org
Grace Wilday Junior High School
Principal: Craig Messmer x2165
Email address: cmessmer@roselleschools.org
Leonard V. Moore Middle School
Principal: Tomeeko Hunt x2047
Email address: thunt@roselleschools.org
Washington Elementary School
Principal: Mitzi Sierra x2074
Email address: msierra@roselleschools.org
Harrison Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Melissa Nevarez x2054
Email address: mnevarez@roselleschools.org
Dr. Charles C. Polk Elementary School
Principal: Melissa Allison x2063
Email address: mallison@roselleschools.org
Kindergarten Success Academy
Principal: Sheila Williams x2204
Email address: swilliams@roselleschools.org
Anti-Bullying Specialists
Anti-Bullying Specialists:
Abraham Clark High School
Victoria Parham
Natosha London
Jordan Siegel
Kayla McKeown
Jessica Arias
Dawn Allen-Williams
LV Moore
Douglas Brunner
Tiffany Magluque
Christine Cutinello
Jason Robbins
Danielle Noel
Chantae Benson
Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Jennifer Griffith x3393
Resources for Parents and Students
Scores listed are a result of each school buildings school year self‐assessment and is intended to help districts and schools enhance anti‐bullying programs, processes and implementation of the Anti‐Bullying Bill of Rights (ABR). A score of 52 indicates that the school has met all the ABR requirements. A score between 53 and 78 indicates that the school has exceeded the ABR requirements.
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2013-2014
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2014-2015
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2015-2016
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2016-2017
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2017-2018
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2018-2019
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2019-2020
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2020-2021
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2021-2022
- HIB School Self Assessment | 2022-2023
Jennifer Griffith
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
908.298.2000 x2009
908.298.2000 x3340