Health Careers
- Grade 10-11 | Dynamics of Healthcare in Society Health Sciences (Level 1)*
- Grade 11-12 | Medical Terminology (Level 2)*
- Grade 11-12 | Emergency Clinical Care (Level 3)*
*Dual Enrollment Courses (Rutgers University Articulation Agreement)
Computer Science - K- 8
- Grade K-2 | Computer Science
- Grade 3-5 | Computer Science
- Grade 6-8 | Computer Science - Amazon Future Engineer
- Grade 9-10 | Computer Science Python Fundamentals I
- Grade 9-10 | Computer Science Python Fundamentals II
- Grade 10-12 | AP Computer Science Principles (Coming in 22-23)
- Grade 11-12 | AP Computer Science A (Coming in 22-23)
- Grade 11-12 | Introduction To Information Systems (Dual Enrollment)
21st Century
- Grade 9-12 | Career Explorations
- Grade 6-8 | Financial Literacy (Middle School)
- Grade 9-12 | Financial Literacy (High School)
- Grade 9-12 | Social Media
Business Management
- Grade 9-10 | General Business
- Grade 9-11 | Intro to Marketing (Coming in 22-23)
- School-Based Enterprise (Coming in 22-23)
- Introduction to Contemporary Business (Dual Enrollment)
Culinary Arts (Pathway)
- Grade 9-10 | Culinary Arts I (Level 1)
- Grade 10-11 |l 2 | Culinary Arts II (Level 2)
- Grade 11-12 | Culinary Arts III (Level 3)
Graphic Design (Pathway)
- Grade 10 | Graphic Design I (Level 1)
- Grade 11 | Graphic Design II (Level 2)
- Grade 12 | Graphic Design III (Level 3)
Pre-Engineering (Pathway)
- Grade 10-11 | Introduction to Engineering Designs
- Grade 11-12 | Principles Of Engineering (Offered in 22-23)
Miscellaneous Folders
Elementary School
Middle School
Jr. High School
High School
Elementary School
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade K
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 1
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 2
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 3
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 4
- Grades K-4 Lesson Plan Exemplars
Middle School
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 5
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 6
- Grades 5-6 Lesson Plan Exemplars
Jr. High School
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 7
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 8
- Grades 6-8 Lesson Plan Exemplars
High School
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 9
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 10
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 11
- Pacing Guide & Unit 1-4 | Grade 12
- Philosophy and Debate
- Journalism
- Creative Writing
- Women in Literature
- African American Literature
- Grades 9-12 Lesson Plan Exemplars
*There are 3 courses offered in 12th Grade ( Honors and CP courses- Shakespeare, African American and Women in Lit).
Elementary School
Middle School
Jr. High School
High School
Social & Cultural Awareness
Elementary School
Middle School
Jr. High School
High School
Interventions and Referral Services
- Roselle District I&RS Policy
- Roselle District I&RS Procedures
- Roselle I&RS Brochure
- Roselle I&RS / MTSS
Section 504 Student Plans
General Interventions
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - Math | K-4
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - ELA | K-4
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - Math | 5-6
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - ELA | 5-6
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - Math | 7-8
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - ELA | 7-8
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - Math | 9-12
- Title I BSI Intervention Plan - ELA | 9-12
- Title I BSI All Other Classes
- What is Dyslexia?
- Dyslexia and Literacy Services Referral Procedure
- Components of Structured Literacy Intervention
Gifted and Talented
- Spanish | 1
- Spanish | 2
- Spanish | 3
- Spanish | 4
- Spanish for Spanish Speakers | 1
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- General Music | Grade K-2
- General Music | Grade 3-4
- General Music | Grade 5-6
- General Music | Grade 7-8
Visual/Fine Arts
- Visual Arts | Grade K-2
- Visual Arts | Grade 3-4
- Visual Arts | Grade 5-6
- Visual Arts | Grade 7-8
- Visual Arts | Grade 9-12
Arts Applications
Additional Resources
Elementary School
Middle School
Jr. High School
High School
Social Cultural Awareness
- Amistad Resources | K-8
- Amistad Resources | 9-12
- African American History
- Humanities in Western Civilization
- Introduction to Holocaust
Lissette Gonzalez-Perez, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent
Diya Camacho
Confidential Secretary
908.298.2040 x1502