Welcome Back Harrison Community!
My name is Dr. Melissa D. Nevarez and I am the principal at Harrison
Elementary School. I am excited to begin our 2022/23 School Year!
This school year will begin on September 6th. Staff at Harrison are
very excited to begin the year and to see their students. Please note
that masks are optional for staff and students.
As a uniform district, please note that students will be required to wear
their school uniforms, yellow polo shirts and navy blue bottoms (pants
and or skorts) everyday, unless there is a school spirit dress down
fundraiser. Please note that for safety reasons, crocs and flip flops are
not allowed.
As safety procedures are constantly updated, please make sure to
stay informed and visit both the district
webpage: www.roselleschools.org and the school
webpage: www.roselleschools.org/harrison frequently. Please also
follow us on social media. Scan the QR codes below for easy access.
Please join us at our Back to School Night on September 8th at 5:30
PM. More information will follow.
Please note letters with information regarding your child’s
teacher/classroom were mailed out the week of August 15th. School
supply lists can be found on our school webpage.
Please feel free to reach out to me via email
at mnevarez@roselleschools.org or at 908-298-2052 with any
questions or concerns.
Dr. Nevarez
Dr. Melissa Nevarez
Yajaira Velez
School Secretary
908-298-3371 (Fax)