- School Uniform
- 1 - Plastic Pencil box
- 1- box 12 count - Pencils
- 2- Pencil top erasers
- 1 - box 24 count- Crayons
- 3 - black Expo dry erase markers
- 2 - packs large Glue Sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 – Composition Books
- 4- wide ruled Composition Notebooks
- Highlighters
- 4– Plastic Pocket Folders
- Headphones
- Big Boxes Tissues
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask
- Daily Bottled Water
- Blue Light Blocker Glasses or Screen Protector
- Laptop/Chromebook/Tablet/Computer with built in Camera/Webcam
- Computer Mouse
- Reliable Internet
- Workspace with a comfortable chair
- Headphones
- File Storage Area for Student Work
- Planner-Physical or Online
- Basic Supplies: Pencils, Markers, Paper, Crayons, Scissors
- Dry Erase Markers
- Dry Erase Board
- Dry Erase Board Eraser
The Roselle Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Monday, June 28, 1999 and passed a resolution for students to wear school uniforms. The policy states that effective October 1, 1999 all elementary Pre K - 4 students will be mandated to wear school uniforms. The uniform will consist of the following:
- NAVY BLUE pants or shorts
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
- NAVY BLUE pants, shorts, skorts, skirts or jumpers
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt or blouse
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
- NAVY BLUE sweater or vest
- Sneakers must be worn in order to participate in gym class activities.
- All students should wear blue sweat pants with sweat tops or tee shirts in the school colors, yellow and dark blue, on gym days only. Name should be written in appropriate clothing, such a sweaters and coats.
- At no time are jeans and/or denim permitted.
- Because of safety issues, flip flops are not permitted.
School Uniform
- 1 - Plastic Pencil box
- 1 - box 12 count – Pencils
- 1 – Pencil Sharpener
- 1 - Ruler
- 2- Pencil top erasers
- 1 - box 24 count- Crayons
- 1 - box Colored Pencils
- 1- 4 oz. bottle of Glue
- 1- Glue Stick
- 1 - pair of scissors
- 10 – Composition Books
- 4 – Plastic Pocket Folders
- 2 pairs - Headphones
- 4 – Black Dry Erase Markers
- 2 – Big Boxes of Tissues
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask
- Daily Bottled Water
- Blue Light Blocker Glasses or Screen Protector
- Laptop/Chromebook/Tablet/Computer with built in Camera/Webcam
- Computer Mouse
- Reliable Internet
- Workspace with a comfortable chair
- Headphones
- File Storage Area for Student work
- Planner-Physical or Online
- Basic Supplies: Pencils, Markers, Paper, Crayons, Scissors
- Dry Erase Markers
- Dry Erase Board
- Dry Erase Board Eraser
The Roselle Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Monday, June 28, 1999 and passed a resolution for students to wear school uniforms. The policy states that effective October 1, 1999 all elementary Pre K - 4 students will be mandated to wear school uniforms. The uniform will consist of the following:
- NAVY BLUE pants or shorts
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
- NAVY BLUE pants, shorts, skorts, skirts or jumpers
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt or blouse
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
- NAVY BLUE sweater or vest
- Sneakers must be worn in order to participate in gym class activities.
- All students should wear blue sweat pants with sweat tops or tee shirts in the school colors, yellow and dark blue, on gym days only. Name should be written in appropriate clothing, such a sweaters and coats.
- At no time are jeans and/or denim permitted.
- Because of safety issues, flip flops are not permitted.
School Uniform
- 4-boxes 12 count pencils
- 2- Pencil top erasers
- 1-box Washable Markers
- 1-box Colored Pencils
- Glue Sticks
- 12- Composition Books
- 4- Packages of Notebook Paper- wide ruled
- 1-box of Highlighters
- 1-package of 3x5 white lined index cards
- 10- Pocket Folders
- Headphones
- Lysol Wipes
- Boxes of tissues
- Hand sanitizer
- Daily Bottled Water
- Blue Light Blocker Glasses or Screen Protector
- Laptop/Chromebook/Tablet/Computer with built in Camera/Webcam
- Computer Mouse
- Reliable Internet
- Workspace with a comfortable chair
- Headphones
- File Storage Area for Student Work
- Planner-Physical or Online
- Basic Supplies: Pencils, Markers, Paper, Crayons, Scissors
- Dry Erase Markers
- Dry Erase Board
- Dry Erase Board Eraser
The Roselle Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Monday, June 28, 1999 and passed a resolution for students to wear school uniforms. The policy states that effective October 1, 1999 all elementary Pre K - 4 students will be mandated to wear school uniforms. The uniform will consist of the following:
- NAVY BLUE pants or shorts
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
NAVY BLUE pants, shorts, skorts, skirts or jumpers
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt or blouse
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
- NAVY BLUE sweater or vest
- Sneakers must be worn in order to participate in gym class activities.
- All students should wear blue sweat pants with sweat tops or tee shirts in the school colors, yellow and dark blue, on gym days only. Name should be written in appropriate clothing, such a sweaters and coats.
- At no time are jeans and/or denim permitted.
- Because of safety issues, flip flops are not permitted.
School Uniform
- 2 Inch Binder
- 1 Pack- Sheet Protectors
- 10- Folders
- 1 Pack- 1/2” Graph Paper
- 10- Marble Notebooks
- 1 pack -3 Hole Punched paper
- Pencil Case
- 1 - Pencil Sharpener
- 1 Pack- Pencils/Eraser caps
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Crayons
- Markers
- Colored Pencils
- Ruler/Protractor
- Sharpies/Markers
- 2 Packs- Index Cards
- Lysol Wipes
- Large Boxes-Tissues
- Face Mask
- Daily Bottled Water
- Blue Light Blocker Glasses or Screen Protector
- Laptop/Chromebook/Tablet/Computer with built in Camera/Webcam
- Computer Mouse
- Reliable Internet
- Workspace with a comfortable chair
- Headphones
- File Storage Area for Student Work
- Planner-Physical or Online
- Basic Supplies: Pencils, Markers, Paper, Crayons, Scissors
- Dry Erase Markers
- Dry Erase Board
- Dry Erase Board Eraser
The Roselle Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Monday, June 28, 1999 and passed a resolution for students to wear school uniforms. The policy states that effective October 1, 1999 all elementary Pre K - 4 students will be mandated to wear school uniforms. The uniform will consist of the following:
- NAVY BLUE pants or shorts
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
- NAVY BLUE pants, shorts, skorts, skirts or jumpers
- YELLOW short or long sleeved shirt or blouse
- NAVY BLUE socks
- BLACK shoes, tie up or loafer
- NAVY BLUE sweater or vest
- Sneakers must be worn in order to participate in gym class activities.
- All students should wear blue sweat pants with sweat tops or tee shirts in the school colors, yellow and dark blue, on gym days only. Name should be written in appropriate clothing, such a sweaters and coats.
- At no time are jeans and/or denim permitted.
- Because of safety issues, flip flops are not permitted.